Coloring the world with paint

Company Mission Statement

We resolve to adhere to the principle of putting the customer first,
treat others with sincerity,
and improve our employees' lives
as the company prospers.

Our business philosophy

Our company's management philosophy is to develop and prosper together with our clients and contribute to society with the tenets of integrity and trust.

Employee Action Guidelines
  1. Respect rules and etiquette
  2. Create an enthusiastic workplace with a keen awareness of issues
  3. Never fail to do the proper thing
  4. Always be thinking about who you should be, and be passionate in striving towards goals
  5. Value sincerity and trust
  • Board of Directors
  • President
  • Sales DivisionSales Headquarters
    Chiba Sales Office
    Oita Sales Office
    Kitakyushu Sales Office
  • HR departmentHR/labor
  • Control DivisionFinance & Accounting
    General Affairs/Legal Affairs
    Overseas Management
  • Coating DivisionManagement
    Coating Technology
  • Technology DivisionEquipment Technology
    Industrial Technology
    Manufacturing Technology
  • Overseas Operations DivisionChina - Tangshan
    China - Changzhou
Basic CSR Policy
SHINANOA’s basic CSR policy is as follows.
SHINANOA shall promote its business activities with sincerity while working closely with customers in order to ensure that they are able to safely and reliably work on their core business.
SHINANOA holds its clients in high regard, and shall strive to realize a prosperous coexistence based on mutual trust.
SHINANOA shall observe relevant acts such as the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act and the Construction and Business Act, and promote business activities trusted by our customers.
SHINANOA shall observe relevant acts such as the Subcontract Act, and conduct transactions impartially and freely.
SHINANOA shall contribute to the prosperity of a sustainable society through its business activities.
SHINANOA shall support employee growth so that they are capable of producing new value.
SHINANOA shall place the safety and health of its employees first, and endeavor to create a comfortable working environment while respecting the ways of thinking and standpoints of each individual.
Environmental Policy
1. Basic philosophy

We aim to become a trading company that considers the global environment, with each and every one of our employees actively contributing to the creation of a comfortable community in which to live and being highly aware of environmental preservation throughout the entire product sales process.

2. Basic policy
We will properly recognize the environmental impact of our business activities, establish environmental objectives and targets, and strive to continuously improve and prevent pollution.
We will observe laws and regulations concerning the environment and external requirements approved by the organization.
At our company, we will address the following as priority environmental activities.
① Promotion of energy conservation activities
② Implementation of appropriate waste disposal
③ Reduction of dead stock inventory
④ Promotion of effective use of resources
We will strive to ensure that all employees in the applicable organization thoroughly understand the environmental policy for all employees, and to raise individual awareness of environmental conservation.
We will document this environmental policy and make it public in response to external requests.

July 1, 2018
President Representative Director: Nonami Hirotaka